Portfolio Category: Environment

Burial Societies

Burial Societies

It is very expensive to give the beloved ones a decent burial ceremony in Botswana. For the poor
and unemployed families who live in rural areas and have limited sources
of income, it becomes a challenge to bury their beloved ones. In an effort
to mitigate this challenge, families in rural areas form Burial Societies and
contribute a small token every month.

Urban Planting

Urban Planting

Urban Planting is Increasingly popular in recent years. It has
great potential for sustainable development, not only as green
plantings which effectively reduce the building energy,
beautiful landscaping and produce healthy food and as well as
a social intervention into reform the new urban ecosystem.

Lettuce House

Lettuce House

The project is applying green, healthy
and low carbon lifestyle into real scenes and leading more people to concerning, understanding and participating in the sustainable lifestyle practice.