Portfolio Category: Place-making

Burial Societies

Burial Societies

It is very expensive to give the beloved ones a decent burial ceremony in Botswana. For the poor
and unemployed families who live in rural areas and have limited sources
of income, it becomes a challenge to bury their beloved ones. In an effort
to mitigate this challenge, families in rural areas form Burial Societies and
contribute a small token every month.

Creative Community

Creative Community

Held with young people of the Vila Gaúcha Community Center, the objective was to stimulate the formation of a creative community. For this, products and services were created that enabled participation and collaboration.

Ajishima Project

Ajishima Project

This project tried to draw
a desirable future of the
island through the
development of various
ideas generated from field
survey that studied what
can do to attract people
including migrants and
tourists by exploiting
existing resources in the
area such as beautiful
nature, abundant fishery
products, and warm